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Why Wood

Eurotech WinDoors is a company which focuses entirely on quality and supplies windows and doors New Zealand wide. In order to supply our customers with joinery that is built to last, we have a policy to use only quality materials and to employ skilled staff for manufacturing the joinery. The production of our quality product incorporates a chain of processes which are controlled by our internal quality assurance system. We are proud to supply customers all around New Zealand with a premium product that is built to last and performs to highest international standards.


  • Timber is repairable, adaptable, versatile and durable. When purchased from well managed sources, it is a sustainable, environmentally friendly resource.
  • Eurotech WinDoors believes in the importance of forestry management and carefully selects suppliers who have adopted environmental purchasing policies or certification schemes.
  • Aluminium on the other hand uses vast amounts of energy in its mining, refining and manufacture which has a profound negative effect on the environment.
  • PVC is one of the most environmentally hazardous consumer materials ever produced. The production of PVC is one of the main sources of dioxin in the environment.

Energy Efficient

  • Unlike aluminium or plastic, timber requires only a relatively small amount of energy to convert it into useful products. A uPVC window frame has more than seven times the energy input in manufacture than a wooden window of similar size and design, while an aluminium frame needs even more – 7.5 times the energy than a uPVC window!
  • Windows and doors from Eurotech WinDoors give you that extra feeling of cosiness – something that you may have been missing for some time. Just enjoy those moments of warmth and contentment. Feel good knowing that you are also saving energy as well. In fact, our products comply with the stringent specifications of Germany’s Energy Savings Ordinance (EnEV) and thus prove that they are more than ecological.
  •  Traditionally the housing energy efficiency building codes in New Zealand have lacked recognition of the insulation properties of windows, and have concentrated on providing minimum thermal resistance values (R Values, a higher R-value means better insulation) for the roof, floor and walls only.
  • The new Standards have included glazing and focus on the excessive heat loss through the area of single glazing, which is typically 40 to 45m2 on an average house but can be much larger in modern house designs. Extensive cost benefit analysis has been done to show how the correct insulation of a house can improve the energy efficiency of the house and provide energy savings and improved comfort.
  • Wood is more efficient in terms of total energy consumption:
    • wood uses 435 KW/Hours to produce 1 ton of building material vs PVC@2,610 KW/Hours
    • wood windows are consistently found to be the least intrusive in life cycle studies of building products and houses.
  •  We install heat insulation windows and doors based on the latest state of the art. But that’s not all. We can offer you, your builder or your architect solutions for any method of construction.


  • Because of wood’s superior strength we can build to much larger specifications than Aluminium or PVC.



Wood breathes

  • Wooden windows and doors are technically more complex than joinery made of synthetic materials. Wood will actively try to maintain your comfort level by working with the surrounding environment, both absorbing and repelling vapour to achieve a natural and healthy balance.
  • Solid wood’s natural insulation qualities, combined with high heat capacity, result in condensation-free window and door frames.


Wood and CO2

Solid timber windows and doors reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere. The timber joinery installed in your home stores CO2 as part of its natural composition. After trees are harvested for the making of windows and doors,

new ones are planted, which continue to produce life-giving oxygen while removing and storing more CO2 from the atmosphere. Wood products achieve negative net CO2 emissions – lower than any other building material.



Eurotech WinDoors’ solid timber windows and doors are made of durable timber to achieve a maximum service life. After this life cycle our timber can be recycled or returned to nature. As our timber does not need to be tanalised it will not harm the environment.




In the event of a fire, wood releases water and carbon dioxide which are not poisonous within reasonable limits.  PVC  on the other hand is highly toxic when burnt due to the release of dioxin and hydrochloric acid.


  • Wood, as the oldest construction material used by mankind and is friendly to our health in many ways.
  • Wood as a building material has positive effects on human health due to its high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity. This makes it possible to maintain a favourable room temperature against external fluctuations of temperature, which is why wooden window frames feel warm and dry.
  • There is a natural harmony between wood and human psychology. Since wood does not carry electrostatic load and because of its natural warmth, touching wood or simply being in the same space with it, contributes to positive well-being.


The life of wooden windows is at least two – three times longer than those made of aluminium or uPVC. Any long term cost analysis will show that aluminium and uPVC windows are in fact more expensive than wooden windows since they cannot be repaired and need to be replaced periodically. Solid wooden windows and doors are long term investments when maintained correctly and they are more economical than their artificial alternatives if use periods are taken in consideration.

The only solution for an aluminium or uPVC window that is dented, scratched, faded by sunlight or twisted due to settling or earthquakes, is replacing it.

Aluminium can also oxidise, especially if situated near the sea, and uPVC can discolour over time.

Eurotech Windoors are 3-D adjustable which is simply done with an Allen key. With wooden windows and doors one isn’t tied to the original colour chosen. As tastes or styles change they can be re-painted to any colour. They are also easily repaired and fittings may be changed.

The main selling point of uPVC windows is that they are supposedly ‘maintenance free’. But WWF cite many examples of reports that show timber windows to be between 14–25% less expensive than uPVC when looking at the ‘whole life’ cost. The public’s perception that timber windows fail is partly because of the reputation of poorly made softwood windows installed after the Second World War. Modern high-performance timber windows need minimal maintenance and claim a 50-year life-span or longer.